So life in general has been pretty good lately. However, I found out that forgiveness is the key to making sure your blessings from God come through. I was aware of this, but not in the fullest extent of its meaning. I recently had to search my soul to see where I may have carried unforgiveness. After some soul searching, praying, fasting, and crying I found that I still had some areas in my life that I had not totally forgiven for. I mean this was stuff from a very long time ago, things that my mother made me angry about or things that my father said to me. I learned that by keeping those thoughts in my heart and remaining unforgiving allowed for other things to happen in my life that I did not like. Unforgiveness caused my blessings to be delayed and therefore I was not walking in the perfected will of God. I realized that it was not my desire to stay in a state of unforgiveness so I took it upon myself to call them and let them know that I forgive them, whether they received it or not I had to wash my hands and heart of the hurt and pain that was still there. There was a time when I thought that I had totally forgiven but when a certain situation was brought up I would still feel the negative emotions connected to it. Now that I have forgiven my parents, relatives, ex-boyfriends, and associates (all of those that I have not forgiven), I feel free. I feel like it doesn't matter what has been said or done to me in the past, its done, its over, and I forgive. So now I feel that the things that I have been believing God for can finally take place in my life. 2007 was definitely a year of completion for me and I believe that I have completed the task of forgiving those who affected me in a negative way. Now that it has been completed I feel God can open up the windows of heaven and pour out his blessings upon me. So for those of you that are reading this, I pray that you can complete the task of forgiving others who have negatively affected you so you can allow God room to grow in your heart. By forgiving others and clearing your heart of all animosity you can begin to receive whole heartedly the blessings that God has for you in your life. Be blessed and forgive those who have trespassed against you as Your Father in Heaven has Forgiven You. Many blessing to you.
Friday, April 9, 2010
I want to take a moment to talk about love. Love for many people has different meanings. Some people consider love to be an inherent attraction they have for another human being. Others who have several different types of relationships have different levels of love that they express for parents, children, pets, things, family, etc. So essentially love can be expressed in different forms and fashions. However, love is the greatest commandment that God gave us; He said that we must love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Even when discussing the fruits of the spirit God says that love is the greatest above all. There are different forms of love but the agape form of love is the purest way to express love from one person to another. That form of love is forgiving, caring, honest, kind, and non-judgmental. I know people in general have a difficult time truly expressing agape love in its purest form. It was the agape love of Jesus Christ that allowed many of us to become Christians and be saved, but many of us that call ourselves Christians have a difficult time truly expressing agape love. Unfortunately we hold on to grudges and blame others for our shortcomings, my friends that is not the way to express the agape love of Jesus Christ. We even often pass judgment on other people knowing that we are still walking in unrighteousness. That is not the agape love of Jesus Christ. I know we are all striving for perfection daily, but in the pursuit of our striving for perfection, let's take time to pursue showing the agape love of God. I'm not saying it will be easy, it will be hard I'm sure, but do your best to achieve it, because when you do, you will find that you will have greater peace. I'm not saying that I have perfected expressing agape love, but I am definitely striving to express and show it the best way I can. Be blessed in you expression of pure agape love toward one another.
Keep pursuing your dreams
When dealing with the things you desire to gain in life having a determined and focused mindset allows your dreams to come to pass. I'm not saying that pursuing your dreams is easy, because believe me you will have a lot of failures along the way, but when you are determined failures do not stop you from making your dreams come to pass. For example I have been seeking to buy a home since I was 22 years old, but I have not given up. You don't want to know how many times I have been declined for a home loan or how many times I was told my income level does not allow me to afford a home, but did I give up, NO. I am still pursuing my dream of becoming a homeowner, and everyday it seems I am getting closer and closer to my dreams coming to fruition. I may have incurred some set backs and situations that seemed like failure, but I am not going to let anything stop me from gaining what I desire to have which is to become a homeowner. Now being a homeowner is not my only dream for my life, but that is just one dream that I have been pursuing for a long time. Be determined to get what belongs to you. Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. There is nothing that can hold you back from obtaining your hearts desire, but you. Yes I said you, you can be the main hindrance to achieving your goals or obtaining your dreams. Don't let negative thoughts or words deter you from receiving and achieving all of your dreams for your life. Be encouraged and don't give up on pursuing your dreams.
Put on the whole armour of God
Today I had an interesting day. It seemed that the enemy was coming at me from all directions. Everything got on my last nerve and it seemed I could not find any peace. As a matter of fact after one thing happened, the next thing would happen. My supervisor/manager approached me several times today about issues that were completely out of my control to change, but I had to take the responsibility for the wrongs that were done. It seemed that I could not get away from being blamed for every little thing that happened. I became irritated, frustrated, and angry. I even swore that I would leave the job for good (I still intend to). Then I realized, the reason everything seemed to irritate me was because I didn't pray long enough for God to shield me with his armor. You see I was easily upset by every little thing, why, because my feet were not shod with the preparation of the gospel of truth, my breast plat of righteousness was not fully on, my helmet of salvation was crocked, my belt of truth was unlooped, my shield of faith was damaged, and my sword was bent. My spiritual armor was not on properly and that caused the enemy to get in and attack me. You see, God was showing me that since my armor was not on, the enemy was able to get in. So of course I had to repent and ask God to restore my armor so I could be protected from the enemy. Friends don't for get to put your armor on, it's important and essential to your livelihood. I hope this blesses you and you will remember to put on the full armor of God everyday.
armor of God,
weapons of warfare
Know the wepons of your warfare
On a daily basis we are all faced with issues and problems. Many times we try to fight our daily battles on our own through our flesh with no avail. Have you ever been faced with a situation that you thought you could fight on your own and win the battle against the situation on your own? Then after you do all that fighting you become weary and tired in your fleshly body? I know that I have tried to fight many battles on my own and every time I would fail and I would not come out of the situation victorious. I forgot that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are to the pulling down of strongholds, and that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and wickedness in high places. You see the devil is a coward, he will inflict you with a bunch of issues and then run and hide among the high places. He sits in high places because he is too much of a coward to come down and fight us. That is why God is calling us to higher places in him so we will have the spiritual power and weapons to fight the enemy in his own camp. God has called us to be warriors in the spirit realm to pull down the strongholds of the enemy and take a stand against him. However, in order for us to get to the place where we have the weapons to fight against the wiles of the enemy, we need to get our guidance and direction from God on what to do. How do we get our weapons, by praying and seeking God. Through our prayer time God will give us the strategies to fight the devil and beat him down to the ground. You see God will equip you with the tools you need to break down the strongholds of the enemy. Remember the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy. The enemy's only quest is to strip you of what God promised to you. It is up to you to fight the good fight of faith and stomp the enemy on his head. Remember the joy of the Lord is our strength and that is what the enemy is seeking to steal from us is our joy. If he is victorious in steeling our joy then he is winning the battle, but you have the power to overcome the enemies desire to steal your joy, by remaining alert and aware of the distractions and blows the enemy tries to bring against you. Stay strong, and stand against the enemy when he tries to steal what the Lord God Himself promised you. Its war time, fight for what belongs to you! And when the enemy is coming against begin thanking God because all that really means is that a blessing is around the corner. So fight against the enemy, take a stand for God, keep your Joy, and thank God cause your blessing is around the corner!
spiritual power,
weapons of warfare,
will of God
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. But what if the one that's beholding you cannot truly appreciate all of your beautiful aspects, aside from your outward appearance, then what? I remember there was a time when I was so focused on what the opposite sex felt our thought about me. I was so consumed with making my self more attractive in as many ways possible. I did this in many ways by the way I dressed, how my make-up was, even down to making it the reason why I'm on a weight loss journey. But then I had to re-evaluate who is really beholding me as beautiful. I realized it doesn't matter how much I fix up and change this hollow shell which is the body my spirit lives in, if the man I am seeking to be loved by, to be complimented by, treasured by, can't see beyond my outer beauty what's the use? I'm not saying that its not good to be concerned about your outward appearance, but be concerned about it to make yourself feel good not the man you are trying to attract. Besides, our Father in heaven beholds you as fearfully and wonderfully made, he loves you when you are looking your worst with your hair all over your head and no make-up on. Simply changing our thought pattern of who is truly beholding our beauty will help us realize that it's not just the outer woman/man that matters, but the inner woman/man matters more. You could be the most beautiful person on the outside, but if your spirit is evil real beauty isn't there. I know some really beautiful people who are really ugly on the inside and they walk around judging everyone else, when really they are not happy with themselves in one way or another. See God beholds you in your true beauty the beauty that radiates from within, if you are ugly inside that's all He sees, if you are beautiful inside, that's all He sees. God can even take you and remake you and mold you into being wonderfully made, even if you do have flaws, He can fix them. Even if you are truly unkind and ugly inside, if you surrender yourself to Him, He will completely rearrange you so you are beautiful in His sight. So who is beholding your beauty? Begin to believe that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the sight of God and you will begin to see it manifest in how you are physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Be Blessed,
Be Blessed,
God will always see you through
First of all let me say this, everyone has their struggles and issues, so no one is perfect. I know that sometimes it seems that life is too hectic and all the walls are closing in on you rather than moving out of the way. It even seems sometimes that things become so stressful that you forget to praise God in the midst of trying to get through your day to day battles/circumstances. Yes, you will have trials and tribulations, but don’t get so bogged down by your day to day life that you forget to spend time with God. I have even been guilty of that myself and I don’t know about you, but it seems that things are more difficult on the days that I forget to acknowledge God, than on the days that I do. (You would think that alone would make me remember to acknowledge God everyday, right.) Getting back to the basics of having your devotional time with God is so essential to your daily walk with HIM. Therefore, when things get tough, begin to think on the goodness of the Lord and all He has done for you, and remember you could be worse off than you are. Also begin to remind yourself that the Joy of the Lord is your strength and there is nothing that God will put on you that is more than you can bare.
Be Blessed.
Be Blessed.
joy of the Lord,
Cast all of your cares upon Jesus for He cares!
Lately God has been dealing with me about putting my issues on the alter and leaving there for Him to deal with. Me, myself, and I (being the independent person that I am), have difficulty allowing God to take things and carry my burdens for me. I tend to want to solve and resolve my problems on my own, forgetting that Jesus Died on the cross for all of my issues and sins already. Right? So in essence I end up stressed out and worrying about things that I already have the victory over. Especially since God says in his word that worrying is a sin and to cast all of our (yours/my) cares on Him. So I decided that laying my issues on the alter and leaving them there for God to deal with. This is essential to my ability to live a peaceful and stress free life. Initially when I started doing this it seemed difficult and challenging since I am so "independent" and used to doing things on my own. I finally had to realize that God is someone I can truly trust with everything, because he already knows everything that is going on or has happened in my life. I had to come to the realization that He cares for me and is there for me so I can relax, relate, and release all that I am dealing with on Him. So, I am laying everything on the alter and trusting God to handle it all and make miracles happen in my life.
All I can say is leave it at the alter, all your issues, cares, problems, concerns, trials, and tribulation, give it all to God so He can work it out. Once you give it to Him, He can turn around and restore the peace that surpasses all understanding back into your life. With that peace will come joy, unspeakable. May God continue to bless you, prosper you, and keep you as you lay your cares on the alter. Cast all of your cares on Him for He cares!
~Miss T~
All I can say is leave it at the alter, all your issues, cares, problems, concerns, trials, and tribulation, give it all to God so He can work it out. Once you give it to Him, He can turn around and restore the peace that surpasses all understanding back into your life. With that peace will come joy, unspeakable. May God continue to bless you, prosper you, and keep you as you lay your cares on the alter. Cast all of your cares on Him for He cares!
~Miss T~
cast all your cares,
everlasting life,
Friendships and Relationships~Word of Encouragment~
Ok so I had to write about this because relationships come and go in our lives. We gain friends we lose friends. We love, are loved, and become loved. We are even hated and despised. But in all of our relationships we have we always walk away learning something whether the relationship is successful or not. Even if we are hurt we still learn what we don't want from a relationship or friendship. However, we must always remember that no matter who comes and goes in our life, that God will always be there. God will never leave you or forsake you. God will be there even when you feel like He is nowhere to be found, He is still there. Always know that God is right there with you through all that you do in life so don't forget to acknowledge him as your creator and friend.
Create a Free website
Ok everyone so I know being connected on this site that you have received a lot of information about setting up a website, marketing yourself, being an internet marketer and online sales pro so of course you have received inside tips on free websites, right?
Well I thought I'd add some information about a website that I use. The website designs are similar to having a wordpress blog website, but the set up is easy and simple. You can chose your background/design, chose the content of your website whether you want to make a website that is focused on blogs, selling products, anything you can think of the design options are there for you.
The website and set up is free, if you want to upgrade your services to a professional account there is a minimum fee of $4.58/month for a 6 month membership, $3.99/month for a 1 year membership, and $2.99/month for a 2 year membership.
If you decide to upgrade to a Weebly pro account you will get 10 sites per account, audio player, vidoe player, embedded documents, Adwords credit, premium support(meaning they will create your websites for you) and so much more.
However, if you choose to keep your website free and you are pretty savvy at creating dynamic websites you can maintain a free account and have up to 2 websites on a free account. Not bad huh! Check it out and click the link below!
Create a free website or blog in minutes with Weebly!
Free hosting and no ads. One of Time's 50 best websites of the year.
Well I thought I'd add some information about a website that I use. The website designs are similar to having a wordpress blog website, but the set up is easy and simple. You can chose your background/design, chose the content of your website whether you want to make a website that is focused on blogs, selling products, anything you can think of the design options are there for you.
The website and set up is free, if you want to upgrade your services to a professional account there is a minimum fee of $4.58/month for a 6 month membership, $3.99/month for a 1 year membership, and $2.99/month for a 2 year membership.
If you decide to upgrade to a Weebly pro account you will get 10 sites per account, audio player, vidoe player, embedded documents, Adwords credit, premium support(meaning they will create your websites for you) and so much more.
However, if you choose to keep your website free and you are pretty savvy at creating dynamic websites you can maintain a free account and have up to 2 websites on a free account. Not bad huh! Check it out and click the link below!
Create a free website or blog in minutes with Weebly!
Free hosting and no ads. One of Time's 50 best websites of the year.
free account,
free website,
Things I've been focused on
So I started this blog to talk about being saved and still fabulous. Well lately I've been totally focused on getting healthy and losing weight. I've been doing pretty good with my progress and as I learn new things I blog about it on my website, Along with learning new things about weight loss, eating healthy, exercising, and overall better living, I've been learning new things about building an online business.
In the process of learning how to do business online a lot of things have peaked my interest including internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and SEO. Since I started looking into this I've learned some really cool things like how to create a free website, how to to create my own blog, how to sign up to be an affiliate (which is free), and a lot more. So needless to say, because I'm so focused on learning as much as I can, I have been buried in information and have experienced a little information overload. Yet, I am happy because I am actually learning about something that will help me do better business in the long run.
So in the process of learning, like I said above I created this website and created a blog about losing weight with tips on things you can do to help you retain your weight loss and gain life long success. I am excited about it and I would like for anyone and everyone who is reading this blog to please check it out and let me know what you think about the website, leave a comment on the site check out the links too.
Also because I am focused on obtaining my weight loss goals I have a challenge for everyone that I'd like to put out there. I'd like to have as many people as possible join me in my journey as a source of encouragement and motivation to one another. So here is the challenge/goal: I'd like for at least 1000 people both men and women to join me in this process go to my blog/website and respond to my blog post Weight Loss Challenge and join me in my quest to achieve my weight loss goals.
In the process of learning how to do business online a lot of things have peaked my interest including internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and SEO. Since I started looking into this I've learned some really cool things like how to create a free website, how to to create my own blog, how to sign up to be an affiliate (which is free), and a lot more. So needless to say, because I'm so focused on learning as much as I can, I have been buried in information and have experienced a little information overload. Yet, I am happy because I am actually learning about something that will help me do better business in the long run.
So in the process of learning, like I said above I created this website and created a blog about losing weight with tips on things you can do to help you retain your weight loss and gain life long success. I am excited about it and I would like for anyone and everyone who is reading this blog to please check it out and let me know what you think about the website, leave a comment on the site check out the links too.
Also because I am focused on obtaining my weight loss goals I have a challenge for everyone that I'd like to put out there. I'd like to have as many people as possible join me in my journey as a source of encouragement and motivation to one another. So here is the challenge/goal: I'd like for at least 1000 people both men and women to join me in this process go to my blog/website and respond to my blog post Weight Loss Challenge and join me in my quest to achieve my weight loss goals.
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