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Friday, April 9, 2010

Keep pursuing your dreams

When dealing with the things you desire to gain in life having a determined and focused mindset allows your dreams to come to pass. I'm not saying that pursuing your dreams is easy, because believe me you will have a lot of failures along the way, but when you are determined failures do not stop you from making your dreams come to pass. For example I have been seeking to buy a home since I was 22 years old, but I have not given up. You don't want to know how many times I have been declined for a home loan or how many times I was told my income level does not allow me to afford a home, but did I give up, NO. I am still pursuing my dream of becoming a homeowner, and everyday it seems I am getting closer and closer to my dreams coming to fruition. I may have incurred some set backs and situations that seemed like failure, but I am not going to let anything stop me from gaining what I desire to have which is to become a homeowner. Now being a homeowner is not my only dream for my life, but that is just one dream that I have been pursuing for a long time. Be determined to get what belongs to you. Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. There is nothing that can hold you back from obtaining your hearts desire, but you. Yes I said you, you can be the main hindrance to achieving your goals or obtaining your dreams. Don't let negative thoughts or words deter you from receiving and achieving all of your dreams for your life. Be encouraged and don't give up on pursuing your dreams.


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